Wandera Ojanji
Wandera Ojanji provides science communication and advocacy consultancy services to organizations and projects in development sectors. His areas of specialization include: writing, reviewing, editing and formatting documents; report writing; documenting/publishing projects success stories; development of promotional and advocacy materials; generation of content for various communication, advocacy and public relations products; media engagement, management and monitoring; and development of communication and advocacy strategies.
Mr Ojanji’s experience comes working with various clients among them:
The World Food Programme where he documented nutrition and HIV/TB programme best practices in the eight country offices within the eastern Africa region.
The African Agricultural Technology Foundation,(AATF) where he assisted in the production of AATF and project-specific communication products. He has also been responsible for media engagement, tracking and analysis to ensure
appropriate media presence and timely responses in support of all AATF
The African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum where he produced their quarterly newsletter
Tree Biotechnology Programme where he provides communications and media liaison services.
Africa Practice where he assisted with the generation of content for various
communication and public relations products for their clients.
International Planned Parenthood Federation where he developed their 2015 and 2016 Biennial Report, and the 2017 Annual Report.
Some of his products include the 2015 Annual Report and newsletters: Partnerships (the Corporate Newsletter); Staff Bulletin; Seeds Digest (Seeds2B Project); and Strides (Striga Control in Maize Project).